Archive for August, 2009

The Tao of Blogging: How to increase daily hits.


I’ve finally discovered the secret to successful blogging.

You see, the secret to successful blogging – and by successful I of course mean the number of hits you receive, not the quality of your blogging – is to not blog.  No, seriously, I have proof.

During the course of this blog, some where over a year of fairly regular posting, the number of daily hits I received steadily increased.  Of course, this is all relative, because when I started blogging my hits were exactly 0, so even one hit could be considered an increase.  But, over the months the total increased gradually until I was at a point somewhere slightly above 0; and I mean slightly.

The past few months, though, I’ve only made a handful of posts.  This was due to a combination of burnout, wanting to focus on other things, and questioning the purpose of it all anyway.  I pretty much stopped blogging, although I hadn’t yet decided what my intention was as to the future: did I want to pack it in entirely or would I start blogging regularly once again?

Even though I had stopped writing for the blog, I still checked in every so often, and looked at the stats.  Starting a couple of weeks ago I noticed my daily hits were climbing to significantly impressive (for me) new levels.  One day during this past week my daily hits made it into the 4-digit range, which was something I never expected would happen.

Part of Taoism is discovering the path of least resistance – which I interpret as a licence to be lazy.  Just kidding…or am I???

No, I am.  In the blogging world, the path of least resistance is to not blog.

Another idea in Taoism is that in order to succeed, you need to give up the attachments to succeeding, which I did a long time ago.  So, by not blogging I have tapped into the Tao and this has caused my daily hits to increase significantly.  Obvious proof of the validity of Taoism, not that it needs it.

Then again, the new found number of daily hits might have something to do with a more human element.  The posts responsible for the vast majority of hits lately have something in common.  That commonality, coincidentally, happens to be that each of these posts contain a picture of half-naked babes.  Here is a link to the post that has garnered the most attention of late:  Canadian Nationalism:  How Do We Know Who is Best?

So, this new found success can be boiled down to either Taoism or Half-naked babes.  Tough call…

August 27, 2009 at 12:19 am 8 comments

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