Posts tagged ‘feeling canadian’

Can Beer Make You Feel More Canadian?

Beer is an item that Canadians hold dear to their hearts. Most Canadians believe that Canadian beer is better than American beer. Although in a corporate sense this is true, there are regions in the U.S.A that that make some amazing local brews; check out the beer of the North West (Oregon, Washington, and Colorado) if you ever have the chance. Beer, ultimately, is something that Canadians use as an attribute to define what being Canadian is.


That being so, I decided to conduct an experiment, in the name of both science and being Canadian.


I acquired a six-pack of Molson Canadian, and by drinking it, I wanted to see if I felt more Canadian. Here’s a beer by beer summary of my findings.


Beer 1 : Due to some previous experience with beer, I didn’t expect much after Beer 1. My expectations were met. I’m not a big fan of Molson Canadian in the first place, it’s an OK lager, but I’m not a big fan of lager in the first place. I wasn’t feeling very much more Canadian after my first beer. I wasn’t feeling any less Canadian either, though, so all in all the first beer has to be considered a success.


Beer 2: Beer 2 proved to be just as bland as beer 1. On the other hand I did start to feel…something. A slight thrill? A movement towards joy? A full bladder? All of the above, actually. Beer 2 was a good step, and I felt I was on the path towards feeling something, whether or not it was a feeling of being more Canadian was yet to be determined. On to beer 3.


Beer 3: Beer 3 was pretty kick-ass. Not only was I able to drink another beer, but Frosty the Snowman was also on T.V. That’s what I call ‘win-win’ — the best part was when the policeman swallowed the whistle. Also, in ‘Frosty’ there is a reference to Saskatoon. How cool and particularly relevant is that? After beer 3 did I feel more Canadian? I think so. My head was feeling a little lighter, and I started to care a little less about what people thought about me. No, wait, that sounds like I’m a little less Canadian. Crap. Never mind, let’s see what happens after Beer 4.


Beer 4: Before I realized it Beer 4 was gone. What the hell happened? Where did it go? Well, I know where it went, into my belly. And then my blood stream. But another great surprise was that Team America World Police was on TV, a movie I’ve been wanting to see for awhile. Sweet. So, do I feel more Canadian after drinking 4 Molson Canadians? Maybe slightly. I’m feeling a little more euphoric and quite proud, since Team America makes fun of American bravado and since according to some being Canadian means that you are NOT American. So maybe I should ask myself do I feel less American? Do I? Do I feel lucky, punk? Sure, what the hell.


Beer. 4.5: ‘Malignant narcissicm. hahahah.


Beer 5: The whole experience was great….until I saw the vomiting scene in Team America. Damn. Way to kill my buzz….


Beer 6: My bladder is full and I need to go pee but I’m still watching Team America. How long can I hold it for?? Wait, wait, pull it together. OK OK, let’s get focused and relevant. Does drinking Molson Canadian make me feel more Canadian? After six beers, I’ll have to say no, my bladder is full and that’s all I can think about. So, no. I’m not more Canadian. Unless having a full bladder makes you more Canadian, and I haven’t seen anyone claim that before.


All in all I consider this experiment to be a success. It took considerable toll on my body, but for the sake of science it was worth it. I have to conclude that drinking Molson Canadian does not make me feel more Canadian, and since this is the most Canadian of beers — sort of since Molson is now really known as Molson Coors, an American company — I’ll have to say that no matter how proud a Canadian is of his or her ability to drink a lot of Canadian beer that it does not make one feel more Canadian.


Recommendations for future research: Imbibing a 12 pack of Molson Canadian. Imbibing a different brand of beer. Try a different form of alcohol, Canadian whiskey is recommended.

December 10, 2007 at 2:11 pm 9 comments

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